Hello Red Hawk Family!

I hope this communication finds you all healthy, happy and well! I want to thank you for your patience as we are learning this new system for our Parent Update. Moving forward we will grow this communication with more school, district and community information. For this publication, we are going to keep it short and sweet with a focus on Red Hawk!

This is a very exciting time at Red Hawk Elementary school as we have turned the corner of midyear and are hitting our stride in all we do! I couldn’t be more proud of our teachers and support team for all they are doing to meet the needs of each student at Red Hawk! We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people positively impacting our children each and every day! We are very proud of the hard work our students are putting into their academics and as we all know, our kids are having a lot of fun in all that they do!

Superintendent’s Update

US News

Red Hawk Elementary School has been identified as a Best Elementary School in the State of Colorado for the second consecutive year! Congratulations to our students, teachers, support staff, and families.

Red Hawk Elementary has been awarded the prestigious John Irwin School of Excellence award for a second year in a row! This is only the second time in school history that Red Hawk has received this distinguished award. Congratulations to our teachers, support staff, students and families!

Thank you, PTO!

Thank you to our PTO and our parents who helped us out for our conference meals! Our entire staff is always thankful for delicious food and treats! We are so blessed that you all take such good care of us. Thank you!

Today I will be safe * Today I will be respectful * Today I will be responsible * I will make today a great day, because that’s the Red Hawk Way!

Hug-N-Go: I want to thank everyone who is following The Red Hawk Way in all we do on campus! Being safe, respectful, responsible and walking with integrity is who we are and what we do every day at Red Hawk! It is important that our students see all of US doing the same thing! With Hug-N-Go, please continue to meet our expectations in setting a great example for all of our kids! As a gentle reminder, Hug-N-Go will requires patience. If you are in a hurry, Hug-N-Go is not for you that particular day! Some other reminders are to remain in the single file line of cars from the time you drive on campus until you exit campus. Please do not pass, drive around, overtake or in any way get out of the single file line. I also want to thank all of you for keeping our communication in the spirit of the Red Hawk Way! We love our positive, fun, friendly and inviting climate and culture at Red Hawk, and each of you play a major role in that! Please reach out to Mr. Garcia if you have any questions.

Communicating with Students During the School Day: As a reminder, our protocol at Red Hawk for students communicating with parents/guardians and parents/guardians communicating with students is very streamlined and simple; everything goest through the school office or a teacher! That’s right, if your kiddo needs to communicate with you all they need to do is let an adult know and we will assist them in making that call. If you need to communicate with your kiddo while they are at school, simply call the office at (303) 774 – 2700 and one of our amazing office team will get your message to your student. If you need to talk to them, we will have them call you right away! What this means is that there is no need for cell phones, watches, or any other communication devices to be utilized during school hours. In fact, these devices can disrupt the learning for our students and other students in the class. Thank you for following our communication expectation! Please reach out to Mr. Garcia if you have any questions.

Red Hawk Elementary School, a GREAT place for ALL Students to Learn, Grow, Achieve and Succeed!


iReady – Our students have been working hard and laser focused on their learning and achievement. The iReady licenses purchased by our PTO have paid dividends in supporting our strong Tier I instruction. This year our overall growth in reading is 10% higher than our overall growth at this time last year and in math our overall growth is 15% higher in comparison to last year! From here we will utilize the data from our iReady assessments and classroom assessments to guide our instruction and support as we strive to lead each student to high levels of learning and achievement!

ChoirCongratulations to our Red Hawk Choir for their outstanding performance at the Erie Choir Festival! We are proud of the hard work that went into preparing for this special event!

Spelling Bee – Congratulations to our 3rd through 5th grade students who participated in our First Annual Red Hawk Spelling Bee! We will celebrate our winner and all participants soon!

Musical Mrs.Abbott and the cast for Matilda are working hard in the mornings learning lines and songs! Choreography is next on the agenda and soon enough our students will be ready for the lights, camera and action of participating in a musical! We are always blown away at the skill and talent our students demonstrate with our musical and we look forward to this years performance!

Upcoming Events

February 15: 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Concerts

February 16: No School

February 19: President’s Day – NO SCHOOL

February 27: Sunshine Dental Checks

February 28: Grades Due

Red Hawk Elementary School