Red Hawk Elementary School Staff

Tracey Macias

4th grade
4th Grade
Hi!  I’m Tracey Macias, and I’m super excited to be part of the Red Hawk family!  I’ve been in the district for 21 years now, and I think we have one of the best districts around.  We are so lucky to be here!  A little about me: I am a midwest girl from Ohio.  I went to college at Western Michigan and then moved to Colorado in 1998.  I came out here for the beauty Colorado has to offer, and I have loved every day of it!  I’m still hoping some family may move this way, though.  I have two teenage daughters, who keep me busy and remind me daily that I am “so weird”!   We have a lot of fun together, laugh a ton, and just appreciate one another for who we really are.   This is also the way I want my classroom to run each year: having fun learning together, laughing with each other, and really appreciating each person’s individuality.   We can become a strong team when we treat each other with respect and acceptance, no matter our differences.  We are always more alike than we think!   Please stop by and say hello anytime!  I look forward to working with the Red Hawk community and know that we will have a great year!                        

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Red Hawk Elementary School